OMG! A Godzilla Video Slot Machine!

I was down at the Calgary Stampede wandering through the casino there after the mandatory livestock viewing and rides on the the Midway.  I tried a couple of different slots and then noticed the Godzilla on Monster Island Video Slots!  They towered above me with the split display and it just looked like a ton of fun with Big G.

I didn't do particularly well, but I did manage to win back some of my money.  I only managed to trigger the Monster Island bonus rounds twice and they were fun, but I just wished it would have popped up more often.  I fought against Mecha Godzilla and the Military.  It was pretty cool dragging your finger around to fry tanks with your nuclear breath.  There are a few blog posts and such out there about this slot machine that came out in 2011, but it was a big find for me.


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