The Tokyo List of Top 10 Lists To See, Eat, and Do

There are a ton of resources out there for visiting and seeing Tokyo.  I'm posting a list of top 10 lists with some category breakdowns to organize this.  I'm planning for a trip over there myself so I thought I would share everything I found interesting. This list was originally compiled in August of 2012 and last updated on October 12, 2012.

Tokyo Tower   Flickr / Alexxis

About Tokyo in General
This is a great big city with fantastic diversity to see and do.  You could museum once every week for a year and not see all the museums.  You could eat your way through city and never finish finding the next best restaurant.  The city also seems to be the city of the future with its blend of tech, urbanism, and coolness.
 Game / Anime
Tokyo Food
Tokyo is a foodies paradise with excellent food from the cheap to expensive with 3 Michelin stars.


  1. Hey thyanks for including my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time in your food category - I also have a Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls list which is pretty dominated by Japanese products here ->

    - The Ramen Rater

  2. No problem including the top 10 instant noodles. I've actually tried a few of the ones you have listed such as the Number 7 – Korea – Nong Shim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup and it was pretty tasty. My tastes don't run to the spicy usually, but it is from Korea (land of spicy noodles and kimchee)! I'm kind of partial to the Nissin brand myself (from Hong Kong or Japan only) and I even did a post about Nissin Pop culture about their cup of noodles myself. Ever think about doing a post about just the best Japanese instant noodles? Anyhow, keep on tasting!


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