High-tech Toilets - Tokyo Intro: Experience #17 of 55

These are an amazing Japanese innovation to make a basic human biological function much more enjoyable.  The toilets have heated seats and the basic functions include various types of bum cleaning functions via a high tech spray system (aka super bidet).  You can adjust the spray system pressure, spray mode, and spray angle.  More advanced features in some toilets include health monitoring, calming music, heated water, and more.  The control box can be intimidating with numerous buttons if you don’t read Japanese and just want to flush.  Often the top left button is the regular flush button, so try that one.

Control unit for the toilet.  Press the top left button if you aren't sure.
Not all toilets in Japan are like this, so you'll still find simpler toilets and you will encounter the very simple and low tech squattie toilet - which many people don't know how to use and even Japanese people sometimes avoid if possible.  Your hotel room will likely have a simple model with a few functions, but even the simple models are pretty nice.

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