All Mapped Out - A new anthology from the Edmonton Writers' Group

Hello!  This isn’t a post about Tokyo or anime or instant noodles today.  I’m excited to let my readers know about a new anthology of short stories titled “All Mapped Out.”  This collection is by local Edmonton writers who are members of the Edmonton Writers’ Group.  

“All Mapped Out” is a set of stories based on the theme of MAPS.  Many kinds of maps are involved that range from actual paper maps to abstract concepts of a path or even a journey.  There are fifteen stories in this collection with no two stories being alike.  Some are mysteries, others are emotional journeys, and there are fantasy and science fiction stories too.  They’re all pretty enjoyable reads too (a good thing as this volume went through a number of editing passes within the group).   The volume has been in the works for over a year and it is the fourth anthology published by the group, and it is the first one for me to be involved in.   “All Mapped Out” is available online as an ebook or in print.  All profits from this anthology are donated to the Edmonton Public Library which also hosts our meet ups when we meet in person.

I’ve been a member of the writing group for  over two years now and it has a good bunch of folks who love writing of all kinds.  Membership isn’t all that exclusive as there are no fees and you just have to attend three meetings to be considered a member, but we have people who come regularly and people who only drop in a few times a year.  The group has a pretty diverse membership with dozens of members and meets every two weeks to do friendly reviews of one or two stories.  Even with the pandemic this year, we went online to hold our meetings by video (and didn’t miss a single meeting), and I think everyone is glad to have some social contact with their fellow writers.  Personally, I’ve found that everyone is pretty supportive of each others writing and the commentary is always interesting as it brings up things that I never thought about or missed.

I contributed the story “Green Day” to the anthology.  My story is set in a future Edmonton which has undergone immense change due to climate change.  It is a story about competitors running a foot race around the core of the city while racking up scores on an overlayed virtual map.  The prize is luxury food privileges in a future that provides for all, but things we take for granted are now expensive luxuries.

It was really interesting to see the diversity of stories in this anthology and it really shows the different personalities and interests of the people in the group.  If you pick up a copy of the book, I hope you have a good read.

A big thanks also goes out to our editor, Howard, and Robin for facilitating the online meetings.

Where To Get All Mapped Out
All Mapped Out at - Canadian Kindle ebook
All Mapped Out at - Canadian trade paperback
All Mapped Out at - USA Kindle ebook

Older Works by the Writing Group
Between the Shelves at - Canadian Kindle ebook
Edmonton Unbound at - Canadian Kindle ebook

The Edmonton Writers' Group Blog and Website

My Writing
Tokyo Intro - a storytelling guidebook to the city
My science fiction books and stories


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