Sanyo Sapporo Green Onion Oil Yakisoba Bowl Review

This Sapporo Green Onion Oil Yakisoba looked quite tasty from the picture on the lid which showed lots of vegetables mixed with a soy sauce and green onion oil based sauce.  The noodle bowl is part of their yakisoba noodles line up and is a limited edition.

Lid of the bowl.  The gold characters say : "Green Onion Oil Soba" and the red characters underneath say "The delicious taste of soy sauce."
This noodle bowl had very attractive packaging.  I really like the royal purple for giving it a classy elegant touch that went very well with the black background.  Having the product name in gold characters matched the bright colours of the noodle picture too. I like how the thick noodles are lifted in the picture and bits of vegetable are clinging to it.

3/4 view of the deep bowl.  It looks elegant where you can see purple.

Ingredients and manufacturing information.

I love these directions with pictures.  They highlight a lot in red to emphasize it.  Basically, open the package up to the B line, then take out the sachets.  Add the contents of the vegetable packet in and pour in boiling water.  Wait 3 minutes and drain.  Then add in the soy and green onion sauce and mix.

Nutritional information.

Allergen information in a big box!

Contents of the noodle bowl.  You have a block of medium thick noodles, a soy sauce packet, and a veggie packet.

I was surprised to see a nice block of freeze-dried vegetables instead of a scattering of dried veggies.  You get way more veggie this way. This is high quality as it is like the high-end freeze dried miso and other soups that come in blocks.

The drain holes to allow the water to escape, but not the noodles and toppings.

The rehydrated noodles and vegetable.

I added in the soy sauce and mixed well.  You can see big pieces of vegetable.

The finished dish had the rich aroma of soy sauce and oyster sauce. All the noodles were lightly coated and had enough flavour. The sauce was a savoury soy flavour that did have green onion notes and was delicious. Carrots, choy, green onion, cabbage, and corn all provide a bright colour contract to the noodles.  Freeze drying preserved their flavour, texture, and colour.  The cabbage and choy even had a crunch to them for the thicker bits.  The medium thick noodles had the sauce stick to them well and they had a good bounce and chew to them.  This was a very good yakisoba that didn't have the typical Worcestershire style sauce with amped up vegetables.

Closeup of the noodles and vegetable.

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