Nissin has released a series of RAOH instant ramen bowls that feature tonkotsu broth in combination with mayu (burnt black garlic oil) and soy / miso / hot pepper / dan dan flavours in 2019. A few of these might stick around, but most are limited editions that will come and go. Having limited edition noodle flavours is one of the joys of instant ramen, but at the same time, it is dissappointing to see a flavour you love vanish. This series of noodle has a ton of flavour and you must like some degree of spiciness to enjoy them. Super spicy in Japan doesn't usually mean more than spicy, unlike in Korea where super spicy means head to the fallout shelters NOW.
Nissin RAOH Super Spicy Tonkotsu Ramen Bowl |
The lid of the bowl. Nice looking graphic with the RAOH text in the middle and the characters on the left and right in fiery gold. You can see flames licking in the background with the thick noodles, dark soup, and a nice pile of ground meat in the foreground. The name of the bowl runs mostly horizontal in the middle on a indescript black band. |
Angle view of the ramen bowl. You can see the two main features on the bowl art are black and flames. |
Ingredients |
Allergen info |
Nutritional info. RAOH noodles are pretty good for fat content as they use non-fried noodles. Still, this comes up to 14.4 grams of fat due to the spicy black garlic oil. |
You get a dried noodle disc, a liquid soup base, a pouch of dried cabbage and green onion and ground meat, and a powdered soup base. |
Closeup of the dried cabbage, green onion, and ground meat pouch. |
To prepare the ramen, dump the dried ingredients in along with the powdered soup base, add 400 mL of boiling water to the bowl, close the lid, and wait 5 minutes. The dried noodles always take longer to hydrate than the fried ones.
Once the noodles are hydrated you can add the black garlic oil base to the noodles and give it a good stir to loosen up the noodles and combine everything. It smells really good at this point.
The finished soup. |
This particular bowl has a flavour that is both smokey and rich from
the black garlic oil combined with soy / spicy peppers. It smells great
and wets your appetite with a spicy and smokey aroma. The prepared soup base is a nice rich brown colour and tastes pretty darn good. It was hot, but not too spicy and it was full of flavour and not just heat. The noodles had a great chew and this is a darn good bowl of instant noodles.
Closeup of the noodles. |
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