Pop-Up and Antenna Stores - Tokyo Intro: Experience #29 of 55

Companies in Japan do a lot of pop-up shops for product promotion or to tie-in to media events, including anime.  Specialty cafes themed with food items and drink from your favorite show appear and then disappear months later.  Antenna stores are like little product embassies from the regions of Japan in Tokyo.  There is a large concentration of them in Ginza that sell regional specialties, so if you cannot travel to Okinawa, you can get Okinawa in Tokyo.  Many of these shops also have hot food stands or even cafes serving regional specialties.

Search in Google for antenna stores to see what is available in Ginza from map locations to entire articles about this subject.

Here are a few highlighted stores:
  • Okinawa Ginza Washita Shop.  This is a two-story shop is colorfully decorated with Okinawan flair.  All the local favourites of Okinawa from sweet potato tarts, pork rinds to different kinds of liquor are here.
  • Hiroshima Brand Shop TAU.  Four floors make this one of the larger antenna stores with all kinds of food, drinks, and local crafts.  They have a cafe and even sell their local okonomiyaki savory pancakes hot off the griddle.  Look for local lemon flavoured treats too.
  • Kotsu Kaikan shopping center in Yurakucho.  The first floor of this building is full of antenna stores, with the biggest one being the Hokkaido Dosanko Plaza.  In this store you can get Yubari melon ice cream and croquettes make with Hokkaido potatoes.  The rooftop terrace at the shopping center has great views of passing bullet trains.

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