Tsutsaya Books - Tokyo Intro: Experience #52 of 55

This is a classy chain of bookstores that do more than books.  They have well curated inventory, great interior decor, good staff, and are generally a booklovers paradise.  Their most famous shops are the flagship store at Daikanyama T-Site in Daikanyama, one at Roppongi Hills, and a very nice store in the Ginza Six mall in Ginza.

If you like books, it is worth browsing through one of these stores, and they have books on Japan in English too.  In their travel, history, and art sections you will find books about Japan that are harder to find in North America.  Pricing for books is regular retail, but you are supporting a quality bookseller.  For niche books this is the way to go, but do check to see if the same book is available at home for pricing and to make sure you don't have to take a heavy book back.  There is usually coffee available via a Starbucks shop on site or nearby.

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