Underground Tokyo - Tokyo Intro: Experience #53 of 55

Tokyo has an entire underground world of tunnels and spaces.  There are even deep tunnels to divert heavy rainfall (G-Cans) and for running utilities that you cannot access.  You can go an amazingly long way underground on foot from most major train stations such as Ikebukuro, Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Tokyo Stations to name a few.  There are hundreds of kilometres of tunnels that join buildings, malls, and other train lines together.  It can be quite fascinating to walk one of these, especially on a rainy day, if you don’t want to get wet.

Some examples of these tunnels systems that may meander would be:
  • Travel from Shinjuku Station all the way over to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Offices and back to Shinjuku station in a loop underground.
  • Travel from Shinjuku Station underground to the the Shinjuku Subnade mall by Golden Gai.
  • Travel from Tokyo Station to Ginza Station in a southwestern meandering route that goes almost all the way to the edge of the Imperial Palace grounds before doubling back east towards Ginza.
  • Travel underground from Shimbashi Station into the heart of the Shiodome.
  • Explore the great underground station and its connections underneath Shibuya Station.  Many of the nearby buildings are connected.

Shinjuku's Underground Labyrinth
Walking Underground From Tokyo Station to Ginza Station

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