Time flies pretty fast right now. Summer is starting and the sun is shining. Getting Japanese snacks is still problematic in Canada as there is no postal shipping here from Japan yet. Travel to and from Japan is still limited due to Covid border restrictions as of June 2022. There is some limited tourism if you are part of an "expensive" tour group that will also take you to destinations in Japan that are willing to accept foreign tourists. This means its pretty limited, and the Japanese government has a 20,000 visitor per day cap anyhow. The tour group guide is supposed to act as a minder too for COVID hygiene and for following all the rules.
I noticed that another themed restaurant, primarily for tourists, has also gone under. Casualties of this type include the Gundam Cafe, Alice in Wonderland restaurants, Monster Cafe, Prison Restaurant, and the famous Robot Restaurant in Kabuchiko. I'll be going back to Japan when it reopens more, but I don't really have a good idea about when that will happen. I'd sure like to see the Giant RX78-2 animated Gundam in Yokohama before it goes away next year. There is also a new Bandai Namco Cross Store opening up in Yokohama that I would love to visit as it is another superstore for all things anime.
Well stocked candy store with Japanese treats.
Anyhow, here are some snacks I've found in the local Asian supermarkets.
Dragonball Soda. There were a few different types of cans.
These teeny cans of Coke and C.C. Lemon soda.
Pocky in bulk. Original chocolate and strawberry.
Peachblance little Mont Blanc type cakes with peach cream.
Korean chick flavoured chips.
Chinese pork chop flavoured chips.
Nissin Soy Sauce Ramen, non-fried.
These are fried, tempura coated seaweed snacks.
Instant coffee, one of the popular brands in Japan.
Pocari Sweat sports drink.
Calpis Yogurt water. Also a sports drink.
A couple of varieties of Kirin Fire canned coffee. These are like $3 for a small can, so they're pretty expensive.
Japanese ready to eat rice. Nuke for a minute.
Hong Kong curried fish ball potato chips.
Hong Kong Sui Mai (pork dumplings) potato chips. More seafoody then porky.
Tasty potato sticks. These Jagabee purple potato chips are like crispy fries.
Jagabee potato sticks, seaweed flavour.
Korean Army Stew instant ramen. Tastes like the American version (K Army Stew) but without the chili beans. The K Army version has disappeared from store shelves at the moment.
Love these little Japanese peanut and rice cracker snacks. Hard to find though.
Also went to the Italian Centre Market which imports all kinds of European candy and snacks. Some Orangina Haribo!
French Tandoori Chicken flavoured chips.
Chocolate covered lemon marshmallows from Poland.
These are pretty tasty with fluffy marshmallow centres.
That's pretty much it for now. I've got some long term snacking to do.
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