This big red cup of noodle definitely attracted my attention when it was announced. In this Nissin cup noodle you can enjoy ramen, french fries, and fried chicken all combined into one easy to eat package. The "potenage" part of the name is a combination of potato and chicken karaage (fried chicken). Another limited edition out of Japan, of course, I was looking forward to trying it after my previous curry cup of noodle reviews.
Front of the cup. |
The bright red cup certainly attracts your attention and the bold gold lettering for potenage is trimmed in black and stands out nicely on sparse white background. I kind of like how they put french fries on the left, and karaage on the right on both sides of the cup noodle to let you know what you're getting. The red and yellow give this cup of noodle a very shinto / formal kind of vibe. This package is the real deal.
Ingredients are listed on the lid of the cup. |
3/4 view. |
Manufacturing info. |
More ingredients and nutritional content with the picture of the rehydrated ramen toppings. |
Closeup of the ramen toppings photo. |
Opening the lid, I could see what looks like the regular cup noodle noodles. They are not super thin or thick, just normal for cup noodle. On top were pieces of potato, green onion, fried chicken, and egg. This is looking really good at this point. There wasn't any kinds of really intense odor when I opened the lid, and it kind of smelled like cup noodle.
Shot of the ingredients with the cup. Perspective makes the cup look really tall. |
Closeup of the dried toppings. The chicken is nicely breaded, fried, and miraculously freeze dried? |
I added boiling water, closed the lid, and waited three minutes before popping it open again. Everything was nicely re-hydrated and the soup just needed a good stir to make sure all of the soup base was mixed in well.
Lots of stuff in the cup. The potatoes were in nice big pieces, and the chicken looked pretty good. |
The soup broth was fairly light with a chicken/pork base combined with soy sauce. There is a little spice to it from black pepper though. Quite pleasant, it is a lot like the regular cup noodle broth. The bits of fried chicken were nice and you could taste a mild chicken flavour along with that fried battered coating. They are not crunchy, but still tasty little morsels. I'm starting to wonder if the different noodle manufacturers have perfected a way to have freeze dried fried chicken as this is the second cup of noodle I've have with it. What surprised me the most was the potato. They must actually fry these in some way as they actually tasted like french fries without the crunch! The potatoes were definitely different from the ones you get in their curry cup of noodle. This was an interesting combination of ingredients and I'll enjoy eating the second cup later as I happened the get two of them.
Noodle closeup. |
More cup noodle reviews.
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