I saw this bright red, instant noodle cup on a shelf in a Japanese food store. A closer look revealed that it was from Myojo of Japan and part of their Megami Line of noodle cups. The Megami Line has thicker noodles that have a smooth and chewy texture to them and they have been kneaded with koji salt (a miso-like moist salt) and garlic to add to their umami. The thicker noodles also help more soup adhere to them to enhance the flavour in every bite. The dark soy soup base is combined with stir-fried pork and garlic to give it a big punch. This sounds pretty tasty, so lets get on with the review.
3/4 view of the cup. You can see a pork backfat sauce packet on top.
Front view of the cup. You can see the thick noodles are highlighted in the picture coming out of a nice rich shoyu (soy sauce) broth. The bold black title text for the cup stands out brilliantly from the red background and the noodles due to the white highlight. A very attractive package.
Warnings and manufacturers information.
Top text is a description of the special Myojo manufacturing process for these thicker noodles and the wonders of this shoyu cup noodle. Preparation directions in the middle right. Allergens on the middle left. Ingredients at the bottom.
Closeup of the noodles and the little slices of pork and cabbage in the soup. The text says the noodles are chewy and firm.
Lid of the cup. Repeat of the text describing the manufacturing process and tastiness that was on the side of the cup.
Your special backfat sauce packet - like the drops of god.
QR Code.
Inside the noodle cup. You can see Chinese cabbage, green onion, bean sprouts, and pork slices that are all dusted with the soy soup base powder.
Closeup of the dehydrated ingredients.
Closeup of rehydrated soup! The noodles definitely look thick!
When I peeled the lid of the cup back I smelled an intense garlic smell. This is one of these noodle cups that will require breath-mints if you need to have a personal conversation with anyone. It also means it will taste pretty good! There was a good amount of toppings from the meat to the bean sprouts and Chinese cabbage. I added boiling water up to the fill line, closed the lid and waited for 5 minutes for the thicker noodles to properly hydrate to the correct texture.
The soup was rich and tasted great as expected with that soy and garlic giving it punch. After rehydrating, the smells were not as intense as you would expect though. The pork backfat / soy oil packet was concentrated and intense smelling, giving the soup a lot of body. The little pieces of meat were your standard Myojo dehydrated meat. They a nice meaty taste and give some nice texture (kind of like sandwich ham slices) to go with the noodle. The soup is seriously tasty and you want to drink every last drop like I did. I can recommend this noodle cup with two thumbs up!
Closeup of the noodles, cabbage, and pork.
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