This Fried Udon Mocchichi with Dashi Soy Sauce is an instant yakisoba style noodle. Unlike the round or square trays, this one comes in a rectangular cup that reminds one more of a noodle soup cup. It's a bit of a format change for instant yakisoba, but this Mochichi line has a few tasty looking fried noodle flavours that I'll eat it if I can get them. This particular noodle flavour apparently won the Grand Prix at “Japan Food Selection”, which is judged by food experts!
3/4 view of the cup.
These Mochichi noodles have a chewy texture to be like fried udon noodles cooked at home. The noodles are wide and thin like typical instant udon noodles that are fried to dehydrate them. There is enhanced umami in the bonito stock for the noodles using soy and oyster sauces as additional ingredients. The noodles are supposed to have great taste that is enhanced by extra furikake bonito flakes and chili pepper. Additionally, cabbage, carrots and green onions provide toppings.
Lid of the noodle cup. The preparation directions are shown in the top corner of the noodle cup. Pour in boiling water and let it sit for 5 minutes before pouring out the water. You can see the Mochichi モッチッチ chracters and product line logo in the three squiggles.
Interesting design on the front of the cup. It shows characters for Mochichi Fried Udon in the circle and the product line logo in the white circle with the 3 squiggly lines at the top (steam rising?). Homemade fried taste in the little frying pan in the top left. Closeup image of noodles at the top provides a break between the lid and logo. The dark and light orange vertical striping is typical of the product line with different colours for different noodles.
Corner view of the cup.
Nutritional information and manufacturer's contact info.
Ingredients and directions.
You open the lid at the letter A to the B line on the lid.
You take out the two sachets of sauce and furukake sprinkles.
Closeup of the sachets.
I poured in hot water to cover up the noodles and waited 5 minutes before draining out of the spout at point C on the lid. It is important you never peel the lid off until the end!
The rehydrated noodles and vegetables. You have carrots, cabbage, and green onion.
I then added the sauce packet and furukake sprinkles and mixed well to coat the noodles.
I have a positive impression of this lineup of noodles from Ace Cook. It starts from the neat packaging and the contents of the cups which reminds me a bit of the Nissin Instant Rice (meshi) cups. The cup is a styrofoam box with a cardboard sleeve you can rip off for recycling too. I think the rectangular cup shape is different for instant fried noodles. The noodles were of the wide udon style of instant noodle with a nice texture and chewy bite. The noodles smelled of soy sauce and dashi. The bonito powder really amped up the flavour. It does smell stronger than it tastes and I though it was tasty but mild. There were definite overtones of the dashi and bonito in the flavour profile. Overall these were tasty noodles and I'd try another variety in the future.
Closeup of the noodles.
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