Awhile back I picked up this set of Pokemon miniatures from Japan. This particular set was kind of neat as it imagines what it might be like inside a pokeball, kind of like what would the inside of genie's lamp look like. You can envision all kinds of luxury or a very nice biome. In this case, the set is called Pokeball Terrarium, and it just looked like a lot of fun.
These are made by Re-ment, a company that makes all kinds of collectable miniatures that range from food, household items, to Pokemon. When you buy Re-ment sets, buy a box. The box should be sealed with a sticker to guarantee a complete set for a particular collection. In Japan, you can buy individual packages (they are usually blind boxes) from within one of these boxes, but most people want to buy a whole set as they are always based off of a theme that really isn't complete unless you get everything.
The complete box. It shows all of the figures available. These boxes open in a manner to act as a display for individual sale of the packages inside. |
More details about the Pokemon in the set. Note the Japanese names for the Pokemon in English. Lapras is Laplace, and Snorlax is Kabigon.
The other side of the box. Again, the Japanese names for the Pokemon can be very different from ours.
All of the pokeballs and the environments within are shown on the end of the box.
Opening the box shows 6 blind box packages that are all identical.
Front of an individual package.
One side of the package.
The other side of the package.
The pokeball inside comes well protected in bubble wrap along with a little paper card showing all of the terrarium dioramas.
Closeup of a ball and the card.
This one is the terrarium for a bulbasaur. You can see that some assembly is required.
A completed diorama for bulbasaur. A nice flowery patch of grass.
Dratini in a action packed watery wave diorama.
Pikachu looks around from a tree stump.
Lapras in the water. A few of the dioramas were more complex to assemble.
Lapras is one of my favourite Pokemon and this diorama has a water layer above a sea floor.
The snorlax diorama was more complex too.
It came with a bridge, some land for each end and a flower on the bank.
The completed diorama with snorlax blocking the bridge. Need a magic flute!
This little diorama with the cute eevee had 2 pokemon included. Underground is a diglett.
Eevee on a city street or a park. |
This pokeball terrarium set was a bunch of fun to assemble and looks very attractive as a set. The individual figures are nicely detailed even if they are small. Some of the terrarium environments are well varied, detailed very well too, and make the overall set very appealing. One drawback is that the environments are not fixed in place along with the figures so they can shift around. I'll probably need to glue it.
The completed set that would look good on any shelf.
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