This Rei Ayanami Miso Cup of Noodles is the third review of the Evangelion Instant Noodle Cups of a series of four. Matching a miso flavour to Rei is a pretty good idea as she is a vegetarian and a miso ramen doesn't necessarily need an animal product like a tonkotsu. Rei is rather passive in the anime until she gets into an EVA unit, but I wasn't too sure if the recipe for this cup to noodle would be bold in battle or mild in daily life. In episode 12 of the Evangelion anime, Shinji, Rei, and Asuka are taken for ramen by Misato after defeating another angel. In this episode, Rei orders a garlic ramen with no pork, so maybe it was miso based?
Front of the Rei Ayanami Ramen Cup with extra seasoning oil on the top of the lid.
The Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 or Evangelion 4.0 movie never released this
summer. Delayed, it will release in the future, but the movie tie-ins
released anyways. Myojo released four cup of noodles this summer that
uses their black cat mascot as yet another angel. There are four
flavours - shoyu, miso, tonkotsu, and shio, each with their own
character cups. I'm always happy to see movie / franchise tie-ins like
this and I managed to order one of each to get a complete set. These
are limited edition cup noodles and they sell out pretty quick. There
have been a few reviews of these, but they usually go with the Rei,
Shinji, and Asuka Tonkotsu version, but I'm working the other way by
trying the Shinji and Kaworu Shio (Salt) Ramen first. These ramen come
in a pretty standard set of flavours, but I'm always game to try them
four Myojo Evangelion Tie-in Cup of Noodles. Going clockwise from the
top left: Tonkotsu, Shoyu, Shio, and Miso ramen flavours.
The lid of the cup. You have the Myojo mascot as the 3rd Angel again from the series. The lid's colour is a nice orange that matches the color scheme of EVA 00. The Evangelion emergency hexagons on the NERV displays are also in orange which goes nicely with black.
Closeup of the front of the cup. Rei is on the front with EVA Unit 00 and hold her hand up in a pensive stance. The color coordination of the plug suit with the EVA colors and the cup colors is pretty nice. They designed a nice color balance for these cups that went well with the original mecha and plug suit colours.
The Myojo cat as the right hand man to their ramen vendor dude cosplaying as Gendo Ikari plotting his nasty plans.
Preparation instructions. Typical 3 minutes in boiling water.
Nutritional information, ingredients and manufacturing info.
Seasoning oil packet.
Peeling the lid back reveals plenty of toppings on top of the noodle block.
You have naruto, ground pork, corn, carrots, and cabbage.
The rehydrated toppings and noodles. It looks pretty good.
Preparation of the noodles followed the typical pour in boiling water up to the fill line, close the lid, and wait for 3 minutes. When I peeled the lid off there was a nice miso aroma. Miso can be mild or strong depending on how much and the type of miso. The aroma / taste of miso is a full flavour that might have some earthy characteristics, but it is delicious when it is used in conjunction with other cooking ingredients.
I stirred up the soup to make sure all of the soup powder and the seasoning oil was mixed in and had a taste of the soup. It was a nice miso soup, not too strong or weak, but right in the middle. It was tasty and I'm pretty sure it wasn't vegetarian, especially with the ground pork cubes! Not exactly Rei's ramen, but it was a good miso ramen with noodles that had a good chew. The seasoning oil for this one and the Asuka variant added some depth to the soup and texture, but not a ton of flavour. This was a good cup of noodle and I look foward to reviewing the fourth and final Evangelion cup noodle variety.
- Myojo Charumera Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Shinji and Kaworu Shio Ramen Review
- Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Asuka Shoyu Ramen Review
- Myojo Charumera Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Rei Miso Ramen Review
- Myojo Charumera Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Shinji, Rei, Asuka Tonkotsu Ramen
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