Today, I'm reviewing the first of four cup of noodles that are Evangelion themed. This cup of noodle is from Myojo and is the Shinji and Kaworu Shio (salt) ramen flavour. If you don't know what Evangelion is, have a look at this post of mine about anime movies that have a wide appeal. Evangelion is a 25 year old series that aired starting in 1995. It spawned a whole new generation of anime with deeper issues and big robots. On the surface Evangelion is about specially trained teens piloting bio-mecha to save the world from aliens called the Angels, but it gets deeper and stranger than that. With this cup of noodle, you can watch the anime while slurping on some matching noodles!
Shinji (on the left) and Kaworu (on the right) are featured on this cup of noodle.
The Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 or Evangelion 4.0 movie never released this summer. Delayed, it will release in the future, but the movie tie-ins released anyways. Myojo released four cup of noodles this summer that uses their black cat mascot as yet another angel. There are four flavours - shoyu, miso, tonkotsu, and shio, each with their own character cups. I'm always happy to see movie / franchise tie-ins like this and I managed to order one of each to get a complete set. These are limited edition cup noodles and they sell out pretty quick. There have been a few reviews of these, but they usually go with the Rei, Shinji, and Asuka Tonkotsu version, but I'm working the other way by trying the Shinji and Kaworu Shio (Salt) Ramen first. These ramen come in a pretty standard set of flavours, but I'm always game to try them out.
The four Myojo Evangelion Tie-in Cup of Noodles. Going clockwise from the top left: Tonkotsu, Shoyu, Shio, and Miso ramen flavours.
After taking the flavour oil packet off of the lid, it reveals, the Myojo Black Cat mascot in the form of Sachiel, the third angel that attacks Tokyo-3. It is the first angel that Shinji fights in EVA-01. Strangely enough, the EVA-01 mecha doesn't show up in any of the cup art except on the lid of the Tonkotsu ramen cup. The lid of this cup follows the bright lime green colour scheme used in this cup. All of the cups use the Evangelion emergency warning hexagons on the lids except for the tonkotsu version.
Front view of the cup. The characters for Shinji and Kaworu are prominently displayed. These cups have high quality printing on the insulated paper cup. The background is a diagonal 50% white over 50% lime green. The NERV organization logo is displayed by Shinji's head.
The back of the cup. It has a fun little piece of art that is reflective of the third movie where Shinji and Kaworu play a piano duet.
Nutritional information and ingredients.
Flavour oil packet.
3/4 view of the cup.
Looking under the lid of the cup shows lots of toppings for this cup of noodle. There are carrots, naruto, scrambled eggs, cabbage, and green onions.
I added boiling water up to the fill line, closed the lid, and waited three minutes. Opening the lid again showed that all the ingredients had rehydrated nicely.
Looks like plenty of toppings for these noodles!
A cup of noodles ready to eat!
After opening the lid and adding in the flavour oil, you could make out some nice chickeny/pork aromas. The noodles rehydrated well and had a nice chew. There was plenty of naruto (the spirally things that are fish cake) and eggs to go around and they were a nice treat. The soup was light, quite tasty, and did not taste too salty. This was a pleasant cup of noodles to snack on and I don't have any complaints about it. Half of the fun for this kind of cup noodle is the tie-in with the show and it delivers on that.
Noodle closeup.
- Myojo Charumera Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Shinji and Kaworu Shio Ramen Review
- Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Asuka Shoyu Ramen Review
- Myojo Charumera Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Rei Miso Ramen Review
- Myojo Charumera Evangelion Instant Noodle Cup - Shinji, Rei, Asuka Tonkotsu Ramen
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