PDF Travel Brochures and Resources For Visitors to Tokyo and Japan

There is a world of information on the internet about visiting Japan.  This blog is one example.  Getting information about a destination is easy now with Google Maps, Instagram, Youtube, booking sites, and web pages.  Travel has become easier, but you are now inundated with choice. 

In the old days you could send and email or write a letter to a tourist office and they would mail you a nice package of brochures for the things you mentioned or checked off.  It was actually kind of exciting to get a big envelope with a bunch of glossy, printed material that would often be useful or provide information that you couldn't find otherwise.  Your only other resource was paper guidebooks or information from a friend or a BBS/Forum.

This post is about the new generation of PDF brochures and such that are available to the traveler.  These are often overlooked now and I want to highlight some resources on the web.  To save costs, most tourist agencies have their informational material for download instead of mailing now.  PDFs aren't as easy to read as a paper brochure, but they are still useful and searchable too.

The Japan National Tourism Agency (JNTO) is a prime source for some highlight and general materials.  Looking at their website for Brochures, Maps, and Posters I can see quite a few handy items to print off (real nice if you have a colour printer) or just to view on a tablet.

  • BASIC INFORMATION: Japan Official Visitorā€™s Guide
  • Eat Japan: An essential guide to this culinary hot spot
  • Japan: Where Luxury Comes to Life
  • Touristā€™s Language Handbook
  • There are also many tourist maps which are always fun to look at.

Don't forget to take a look at this JNTO library of regional and partner brochures.

If you are just focusing on Tokyo, then the Go Tokyo official agency site is a must visit.  You can also visit their tourist offices in the city, but that means you're planning kind of late.  The Go Tokyo PDF library contains a variety of brochures on the city and even subway maps.

  • The Safety Information Card has some valuable contact numbers and social media avenues.  Could be handing in case of illness or emergency.
  • The Tokyo Railway and Subway Map is a good way to familiarize yourself with the layout of the rail lines.
The best of all, they have a big Go Tokyo Library of Brochures you can search or just scroll through.  When I was researching this article I found a few that I thought were really cool too.  There are even resources for people with dietary, special needs, and other considerations.  Make sure you look for the PDF File download link.  You can also browse the Go Tokyo site which is well designed.
  • The big guidebook here is the TOKYO Travel Guide.
  • Come check it out!!怀Suginami Animation Museum
  • Setagaya Guidebook
  • There are basically little guides for each district of the city.
That's all for now.  If you found this useful, consider having a look at my Tokyo Intro guidebook which uses pop culture to highlight features and experiences in the city - different from these brochures - and you get stories to read.

Tokyo Intro is my unique pop culture storytelling approach to show you what makes modern Tokyo cool and experiences you can enjoy. Consider purchasing a paperback or ebook copy of my Tokyo Intro guidebook if you found this article helpful. You are supporting an independent creator.
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